For more information on the composer, please visit This music is shared for promotional purposes only and is available for purchase on iTunes. Music by Blizzard Entertainment Officially licensed, sealed CD (well) over 1x hour of great music. The musical tsuris of the Master Chief seems positively sedate in comparison to the Queen’s musical identity swings in STARCRAFT II, whose opportunities give extra creative thrust to dudes usually handed broadswords when scoring warrior women running about in a videogame dungeons and dragons fantasy land.A selection of music by Neal Acree from StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm, the next installment in Blizzard Entertainment's epic sci-fi saga featuring music by Glenn Stafford, Neal Acree, Russell Brower and Derek Duke performed by The Skywalker Symphony and Choir as well as vocals by Laurie Ann Haus. But those grinding atmospheres segue to cool, lushly accelerating beats, a chorus conveying strategic gameplay as the stuff of the cosmic, with a ragged, heroic sensibility that even gets a bit of fife and drum nobility. The soundtrack for Heart of the Swarm was released in two volumes. Sarah Kerrigan’s treated like an ersatz Lisbeth Salander, bringing on the lizard beast hurt with industrial metal rock grunge. Its exceptional cut scenes generate one of the more crazily stylized scores for the genre, starting off by mashing a galaxy-spanning orchestra by way of the grunge sensibility of its sword and spine-slinging heroine.

WORLD OF WARCRAFT‘s band of scoring brothers Neal Acree, Glenn Stafford, Derek Duke and Russell Brower get their sci-fi grlll power on for the Queen of Blade’s great escape in this score to STARCRAFT II: HEART OF THE SWARM that accompanies the expansion pack of WINGS OF LIBERTY.