NOTE: Since PRT files are saved in a text format, you can open them with a text editor, such as Microsoft Notepad or Apple TextEdit. If there is a "leak" in the map, then VBSP reports it and does not generate the PRT file, which causes VVIS to not perform the visibility calculations. prt file, which is then used by VVIS to calculate the visibility of objects and improve the performance of the map by communicating which objects must be rendered. If the level is sealed, then VBSP creates a. If the maps are not completely sealed, they will not work properly in the game. BSP maps must be completely "sealed," meaning that they cannot connect to the black infinite area around the map. VMF files to the Binary Space Partition (BSP) format so that they can be used in BSP-based game engines.

The PRT files are generated by VBSP, which is a tool used to compile raw Valve Map. PRT files are used to optimize maps/levels in Source engine games.